==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/chroot/armv7h/root] -> [build]...done
==> Making package: recon-ng-git 20210824.r1021-1 (Sat Feb 19 12:02:39 2022)
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Cloning recon-ng-git git repo...
Cloning into bare repository '/srv/build/builder/work/recon-ng-git/recon-ng-git'...
==> WARNING: Skipping verification of source file PGP signatures.
==> Validating source files with sha512sums...
    recon-ng-git ... Skipped
==> Making package: recon-ng-git 20210824.r1021-1 (Sat 19 Feb 2022 12:02:59 PM EST)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
[?25lresolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (52) jemalloc-1:5.2.1-6  libnsl-2.0.0-2  libxslt-1.1.35-1
              libyaml-0.2.5-1  python-aniso8601-9.0.1-3  python-apipkg-2.1.0-1
              python-appdirs-1.4.4-6  python-attrs-21.4.0-1
              python-chardet-4.0.0-5  python-click-8.0.3-3
              python-html5lib-1.1-11  python-idna-3.3-4
              python-importlib-metadata-4.8.1-3  python-iniconfig-1.1.1-5
              python-itsdangerous-2.0.1-3  python-jinja-3.0.3-3
              python-jsonschema-3.2.0-6  python-markupsafe-2.0.1-3
              python-mistune1-0.8.4-4  python-mock-3.0.5-9
              python-more-itertools-8.10.0-4  python-ordered-set-4.0.2-6
              python-packaging-20.9-7  python-pbr-5.8.1-1
              python-pluggy-0.13.1-8  python-py-1.11.0-1
              python-pyparsing-2.4.7-6  python-pyrsistent-0.18.1-1
              python-pytest-6.2.5-3  python-pytz-2021.3-4
              python-setuptools-1:59.3.0-1  python-six-1.16.0-5
              python-toml-0.10.2-7  python-urllib3-1.26.8-1
              python-webencodings-0.5.1-9  python-werkzeug-2.0.2-3
              python-yaml-  python-zipp-3.7.0-1  redis-6.2.6-1
              python-3.10.2-1  python-dicttoxml-1.7.4-4
              python-dnspython-1:2.2.0-1  python-flasgger-0.9.5-6
              python-flask-2.0.2-3  python-flask-restful-0.3.9-3
              python-lxml-4.7.1-1  python-mechanize-1:0.4.6-3
              python-pyaml-21.10.1-1  python-requests-2.27.1-1
              python-rq-1.7.0-1  python-unicodecsv-0.14.1-2

Total Download Size:    19.40 MiB
Total Installed Size:  101.17 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
:: Retrieving packages...
 Total ( 0/52)           0.0   B  0.00   B/s 00:00 [----------------------]   0%

 python-3.10.2-1-...     0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 Total ( 0/52)           0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 python-3.10.2-1-...    10.1 MiB  8.67 MiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total ( 1/52)           0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%

 python-flasgger-...     0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 Total ( 1/52)          10.1 MiB  4.51 MiB/s 00:02 [###########-----------]  52%
 python-flasgger-...     2.3 MiB  3.77 MiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total ( 2/52)          10.1 MiB  4.51 MiB/s 00:02 [###########-----------]  52%

 python-lxml-4.7....     2.6 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 Total ( 2/52)          12.4 MiB  4.11 MiB/s 00:01 [#############---------]  63%
 python-lxml-4.7....   954.2 KiB  1272 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total ( 3/52)          12.4 MiB  4.11 MiB/s 00:01 [#############---------]  63%

 redis-6.2.6-1-armv7h   15.8 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   2%
 Total ( 3/52)          13.4 MiB  3.21 MiB/s 00:01 [##############--------]  68%
 redis-6.2.6-1-armv7h  681.9 KiB  1137 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total ( 4/52)          13.4 MiB  3.21 MiB/s 00:01 [##############--------]  68%

 python-setuptool...    15.8 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   2%
 Total ( 4/52)          14.0 MiB  2.55 MiB/s 00:02 [###############-------]  72%
 python-setuptool...   533.5 KiB   988 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total ( 5/52)          14.0 MiB  2.55 MiB/s 00:02 [###############-------]  72%

 python-pytest-6....    15.8 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   3%
 Total ( 5/52)          14.5 MiB  2039 KiB/s 00:02 [################------]  74%
 python-pytest-6....   450.3 KiB   776 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total ( 6/52)          14.5 MiB  2039 KiB/s 00:02 [################------]  74%

 python-werkzeug-...    15.8 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   4%
 Total ( 6/52)          15.0 MiB  1605 KiB/s 00:02 [################------]  77%
 python-werkzeug-...   386.2 KiB   623 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total ( 7/52)          15.0 MiB  1605 KiB/s 00:02 [################------]  77%

 libxslt-1.1.35-1...     2.6 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 Total ( 7/52)          15.3 MiB  1265 KiB/s 00:03 [#################-----]  79%
 libxslt-1.1.35-1...   369.9 KiB   385 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total ( 8/52)          15.3 MiB  1265 KiB/s 00:03 [#################-----]  79%

 python-dnspython...    15.8 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [#---------------------]   5%
 Total ( 8/52)          15.7 MiB   973 KiB/s 00:03 [#################-----]  81%
 python-dnspython...   292.8 KiB   412 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total ( 9/52)          15.7 MiB   973 KiB/s 00:03 [#################-----]  81%

 jemalloc-1:5.2.1...    15.8 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [#---------------------]   5%
 Total ( 9/52)          16.0 MiB   809 KiB/s 00:04 [##################----]  82%
 jemalloc-1:5.2.1...   266.0 KiB   459 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (10/52)          16.0 MiB   809 KiB/s 00:04 [##################----]  82%

 python-xlsxwrite...     0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 Total (10/52)          16.2 MiB   700 KiB/s 00:04 [##################----]  83%
 python-xlsxwrite...   222.5 KiB   420 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (11/52)          16.2 MiB   700 KiB/s 00:04 [##################----]  83%

 python-jinja-3.0...     0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 Total (11/52)          16.5 MiB   597 KiB/s 00:05 [##################----]  84%
 python-jinja-3.0...   221.8 KiB   403 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (12/52)          16.5 MiB   597 KiB/s 00:05 [##################----]  84%

 python-html5lib-...     0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 Total (12/52)          16.7 MiB   537 KiB/s 00:05 [##################----]  85%
 python-html5lib-...   191.5 KiB   368 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (13/52)          16.7 MiB   537 KiB/s 00:05 [##################----]  85%

 python-mechanize...     0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 Total (13/52)          16.9 MiB   486 KiB/s 00:05 [##################----]  86%
 python-mechanize...   178.5 KiB   364 KiB/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
 Total (14/52)          16.9 MiB   486 KiB/s 00:05 [##################----]  86%

 python-chardet-4...     0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 Total (14/52)          17.0 MiB   441 KiB/s 00:05 [###################---]  87%
 python-chardet-4...   178.0 KiB   336 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (15/52)          17.0 MiB   441 KiB/s 00:05 [###################---]  87%

 python-urllib3-1...    13.9 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [#---------------------]   7%
 Total (15/52)          17.2 MiB   408 KiB/s 00:05 [###################---]  88%
 python-urllib3-1...   175.6 KiB   314 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (16/52)          17.2 MiB   408 KiB/s 00:05 [###################---]  88%

 python-click-8.0...    15.8 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [##--------------------]  10%
 Total (16/52)          17.4 MiB   360 KiB/s 00:05 [###################---]  89%
 python-click-8.0...   153.6 KiB  86.3 KiB/s 00:02 [######################] 100%
 Total (17/52)          17.4 MiB   360 KiB/s 00:05 [###################---]  89%

 python-yaml-5.4....     2.6 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   1%
 Total (17/52)          17.5 MiB   267 KiB/s 00:07 [###################---]  90%
 python-yaml-5.4....   148.5 KiB   229 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (18/52)          17.5 MiB   267 KiB/s 00:07 [###################---]  90%

 python-py-1.11.0...    15.8 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [##--------------------]  10%
 Total (18/52)          17.7 MiB   262 KiB/s 00:06 [####################--]  91%
 python-py-1.11.0...   147.5 KiB   238 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (19/52)          17.7 MiB   262 KiB/s 00:06 [####################--]  91%

 python-flask-2.0...    15.8 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [##--------------------]  11%
 Total (19/52)          17.8 MiB   234 KiB/s 00:06 [####################--]  91%
 python-flask-2.0...    78.0 KiB   104 KiB/s 00:00 [############----------]  58%
 Total (19/52)          17.9 MiB   259 KiB/s 00:05 [####################--]  92%
 python-flask-2.0...   132.3 KiB   134 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (20/52)          17.9 MiB   259 KiB/s 00:05 [####################--]  92%

 python-pbr-5.8.1...    15.8 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [##--------------------]  12%
 Total (20/52)          18.0 MiB   216 KiB/s 00:06 [####################--]  92%
 python-pbr-5.8.1...   126.2 KiB   218 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (21/52)          18.0 MiB   216 KiB/s 00:06 [####################--]  92%

 python-pyparsing...     0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 Total (21/52)          18.1 MiB   209 KiB/s 00:06 [####################--]  93%
 python-pyparsing...   112.2 KiB   197 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (22/52)          18.1 MiB   209 KiB/s 00:06 [####################--]  93%

 python-rq-1.7.0-...  1448.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   1%
 Total (22/52)          18.2 MiB   297 KiB/s 00:04 [####################--]  93%
 python-rq-1.7.0-...   107.0 KiB   334 KiB/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
 Total (23/52)          18.2 MiB   297 KiB/s 00:04 [####################--]  93%

 python-jsonschem...     0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 Total (23/52)          18.3 MiB   248 KiB/s 00:04 [####################--]  94%
 python-jsonschem...    94.8 KiB   155 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (24/52)          18.3 MiB   248 KiB/s 00:04 [####################--]  94%

 python-requests-...    15.8 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [###-------------------]  17%
 Total (24/52)          18.4 MiB   232 KiB/s 00:04 [####################--]  94%
 python-requests-...    89.0 KiB   165 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (25/52)          18.4 MiB   232 KiB/s 00:04 [####################--]  94%

 python-pyrsisten...     0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 Total (25/52)          18.5 MiB   195 KiB/s 00:04 [####################--]  95%
 python-pyrsisten...    85.2 KiB   140 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (26/52)          18.5 MiB   195 KiB/s 00:04 [####################--]  95%

 python-attrs-21....     2.6 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   3%
 Total (26/52)          18.6 MiB   171 KiB/s 00:05 [####################--]  95%
 python-attrs-21....    82.0 KiB   114 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (27/52)          18.6 MiB   171 KiB/s 00:05 [####################--]  95%

 python-aniso8601...    15.8 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [####------------------]  20%
 Total (27/52)          18.6 MiB   168 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  96%
 python-aniso8601...    77.8 KiB   132 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (28/52)          18.6 MiB   168 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  96%

 python-idna-3.3-...    15.8 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [####------------------]  22%
 Total (28/52)          18.7 MiB   159 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  96%
 python-idna-3.3-...    71.2 KiB   132 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (29/52)          18.7 MiB   159 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  96%

 python-more-iter...    15.8 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [#####-----------------]  23%
 Total (29/52)          18.8 MiB   147 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  96%
 python-more-iter...    66.1 KiB   114 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (30/52)          18.8 MiB   147 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  96%

 python-packaging...     2.6 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [#---------------------]   5%
 Total (30/52)          18.8 MiB   127 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  97%
 python-packaging...    51.1 KiB  79.8 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (31/52)          18.8 MiB   127 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  97%

 libyaml-0.2.5-1-...    15.3 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [#######---------------]  33%
 Total (31/52)          18.9 MiB   119 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  97%
 libyaml-0.2.5-1-...    46.2 KiB  77.0 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (32/52)          18.9 MiB   119 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  97%

 python-mock-3.0....    15.3 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [#######---------------]  35%
 Total (32/52)          19.0 MiB   102 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  97%
 python-mock-3.0....    43.8 KiB  64.4 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (33/52)          19.0 MiB   102 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  97%

 python-flask-res...    13.9 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [#######---------------]  34%
 Total (33/52)          19.0 MiB  90.7 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  97%
 python-flask-res...    39.9 KiB  64.3 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (34/52)          19.0 MiB  90.7 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  97%

 python-pytz-2021...    13.9 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [########--------------]  37%
 Total (34/52)          19.0 MiB  82.6 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  98%
 python-pytz-2021...    37.0 KiB  62.8 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (35/52)          19.0 MiB  82.6 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  98%

 python-toml-0.10...     5.7 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [###-------------------]  17%
 Total (35/52)          19.1 MiB  70.6 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  98%
 python-toml-0.10...    31.9 KiB  52.2 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (36/52)          19.1 MiB  70.6 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  98%

 python-importlib...     0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 Total (36/52)          19.1 MiB  62.6 KiB/s 00:05 [#####################-]  98%
 python-importlib...    31.0 KiB  55.4 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (37/52)          19.1 MiB  62.6 KiB/s 00:05 [#####################-]  98%

 python-pluggy-0....     0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 Total (37/52)          19.1 MiB  59.6 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  98%
 python-pluggy-0....    28.6 KiB  49.3 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (38/52)          19.1 MiB  59.6 KiB/s 00:04 [#####################-]  98%

 python-itsdanger...    13.9 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [##########------------]  49%
 Total (38/52)          19.2 MiB  65.0 KiB/s 00:03 [#####################-]  98%
 python-itsdanger...    28.0 KiB  50.0 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (39/52)          19.2 MiB  65.0 KiB/s 00:03 [#####################-]  98%

 python-mistune1-...    13.9 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [##########------------]  49%
 Total (39/52)          19.2 MiB  60.0 KiB/s 00:03 [#####################-]  98%
 python-mistune1-...    27.9 KiB  49.9 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (40/52)          19.2 MiB  60.0 KiB/s 00:03 [#####################-]  98%

 python-pyaml-21....    13.9 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [###########-----------]  52%
 Total (40/52)          19.2 MiB  55.5 KiB/s 00:03 [#####################-]  99%
 python-pyaml-21....    26.2 KiB  43.7 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (41/52)          19.2 MiB  55.5 KiB/s 00:03 [#####################-]  99%

 python-unicodecs...     0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 python-unicodecs...    23.5 KiB   181 KiB/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
 Total (42/52)          19.2 MiB  55.5 KiB/s 00:03 [#####################-]  99%

 python-six-1.16....    13.9 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [##############--------]  64%
 Total (42/52)          19.3 MiB  62.1 KiB/s 00:02 [#####################-]  99%
 python-six-1.16....    21.6 KiB  40.0 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (43/52)          19.3 MiB  62.1 KiB/s 00:02 [#####################-]  99%

 libnsl-2.0.0-2-a...    13.9 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [###############-------]  72%
 Total (43/52)          19.3 MiB  54.1 KiB/s 00:02 [#####################-]  99%
 libnsl-2.0.0-2-a...    19.1 KiB  34.1 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (44/52)          19.3 MiB  54.1 KiB/s 00:02 [#####################-]  99%

 python-webencodi...     2.6 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [###-------------------]  14%
 Total (44/52)          19.3 MiB  39.5 KiB/s 00:02 [#####################-]  99%
 python-webencodi...    17.6 KiB  22.8 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (45/52)          19.3 MiB  39.5 KiB/s 00:02 [#####################-]  99%

 python-markupsaf...    13.9 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [#################-----]  80%
 Total (45/52)          19.3 MiB  42.1 KiB/s 00:01 [#####################-]  99%
 python-markupsaf...    17.3 KiB  28.9 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (46/52)          19.3 MiB  42.1 KiB/s 00:01 [#####################-]  99%

 python-dicttoxml...     0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 python-dicttoxml...    15.0 KiB   167 KiB/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
 Total (47/52)          19.3 MiB  42.1 KiB/s 00:01 [#####################-]  99%

 python-appdirs-1...    13.9 KiB  0.00   B/s --:-- [#####################-]  96%
 Total (47/52)          19.4 MiB  43.9 KiB/s 00:01 [#####################-]  99%
 python-appdirs-1...    14.4 KiB  24.0 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (48/52)          19.4 MiB  43.9 KiB/s 00:01 [#####################-]  99%

 python-ordered-s...    12.9 KiB  0.00   B/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
 Total (48/52)          19.4 MiB  36.8 KiB/s 00:00 [#####################-]  99%
 python-ordered-s...    12.9 KiB  23.1 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (49/52)          19.4 MiB  36.8 KiB/s 00:00 [#####################-]  99%

 python-apipkg-2....    12.2 KiB  0.00   B/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
 Total (49/52)          19.4 MiB  32.1 KiB/s 00:00 [#####################-]  99%
 python-apipkg-2....    12.2 KiB  22.6 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (50/52)          19.4 MiB  32.1 KiB/s 00:00 [#####################-]  99%

 python-zipp-3.7....     0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 Total (50/52)          19.4 MiB  21.4 KiB/s 00:00 [#####################-]  99%
 python-zipp-3.7....    10.2 KiB  19.6 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (51/52)          19.4 MiB  21.4 KiB/s 00:00 [#####################-]  99%

 python-iniconfig...     0.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   0%
 Total (51/52)          19.4 MiB  20.6 KiB/s 00:00 [#####################-]  99%
 python-iniconfig...     8.6 KiB  15.8 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 Total (52/52)          19.4 MiB   619 KiB/s 00:32 [######################] 100%

( 0/52) checking keys in keyring                   [----------------------]   0%
( 1/52) checking keys in keyring                   [----------------------]   1%
( 2/52) checking keys in keyring                   [----------------------]   3%
( 3/52) checking keys in keyring                   [#---------------------]   5%
( 4/52) checking keys in keyring                   [#---------------------]   7%
( 5/52) checking keys in keyring                   [#---------------------]   9%
( 6/52) checking keys in keyring                   [##--------------------]  11%
( 7/52) checking keys in keyring                   [##--------------------]  13%
( 8/52) checking keys in keyring                   [###-------------------]  15%
( 9/52) checking keys in keyring                   [###-------------------]  17%
(10/52) checking keys in keyring                   [####------------------]  19%
(11/52) checking keys in keyring                   [####------------------]  21%
(12/52) checking keys in keyring                   [#####-----------------]  23%
(13/52) checking keys in keyring                   [#####-----------------]  25%
(14/52) checking keys in keyring                   [#####-----------------]  26%
(15/52) checking keys in keyring                   [######----------------]  28%
(16/52) checking keys in keyring                   [######----------------]  30%
(17/52) checking keys in keyring                   [#######---------------]  32%
(18/52) checking keys in keyring                   [#######---------------]  34%
(19/52) checking keys in keyring                   [#######---------------]  36%
(20/52) checking keys in keyring                   [########--------------]  38%
(21/52) checking keys in keyring                   [########--------------]  40%
(22/52) checking keys in keyring                   [#########-------------]  42%
(23/52) checking keys in keyring                   [#########-------------]  44%
(24/52) checking keys in keyring                   [##########------------]  46%
(25/52) checking keys in keyring                   [##########------------]  48%
(26/52) checking keys in keyring                   [###########-----------]  50%
(27/52) checking keys in keyring                   [###########-----------]  51%
(28/52) checking keys in keyring                   [###########-----------]  53%
(29/52) checking keys in keyring                   [############----------]  55%
(30/52) checking keys in keyring                   [############----------]  57%
(31/52) checking keys in keyring                   [############----------]  59%
(32/52) checking keys in keyring                   [#############---------]  61%
(33/52) checking keys in keyring                   [#############---------]  63%
(34/52) checking keys in keyring                   [##############--------]  65%
(35/52) checking keys in keyring                   [##############--------]  67%
(36/52) checking keys in keyring                   [###############-------]  69%
(37/52) checking keys in keyring                   [###############-------]  71%
(38/52) checking keys in keyring                   [################------]  73%
(39/52) checking keys in keyring                   [################------]  75%
(40/52) checking keys in keyring                   [################------]  76%
(41/52) checking keys in keyring                   [#################-----]  78%
(42/52) checking keys in keyring                   [#################-----]  80%
(43/52) checking keys in keyring                   [##################----]  82%
(44/52) checking keys in keyring                   [##################----]  84%
(45/52) checking keys in keyring                   [##################----]  86%
(46/52) checking keys in keyring                   [###################---]  88%
(47/52) checking keys in keyring                   [###################---]  90%
(48/52) checking keys in keyring                   [####################--]  92%
(49/52) checking keys in keyring                   [####################--]  94%
(50/52) checking keys in keyring                   [#####################-]  96%
(51/52) checking keys in keyring                   [#####################-]  98%
(52/52) checking keys in keyring                   [######################] 100%

( 0/52) checking package integrity                 [----------------------]   0%
( 1/52) checking package integrity                 [----------------------]   0%
( 2/52) checking package integrity                 [###########-----------]  52%
( 3/52) checking package integrity                 [###########-----------]  52%
( 4/52) checking package integrity                 [###########-----------]  53%
( 5/52) checking package integrity                 [###########-----------]  53%
( 6/52) checking package integrity                 [###########-----------]  54%
( 7/52) checking package integrity                 [############----------]  56%
( 8/52) checking package integrity                 [#############---------]  61%
( 9/52) checking package integrity                 [#############---------]  61%
(10/52) checking package integrity                 [#############---------]  61%
(11/52) checking package integrity                 [#############---------]  62%
(12/52) checking package integrity                 [#############---------]  63%
(13/52) checking package integrity                 [##############--------]  64%
(14/52) checking package integrity                 [##############--------]  65%
(15/52) checking package integrity                 [##############--------]  65%
(16/52) checking package integrity                 [##############--------]  66%
(17/52) checking package integrity                 [##############--------]  68%
(18/52) checking package integrity                 [##############--------]  68%
(19/52) checking package integrity                 [##############--------]  68%
(20/52) checking package integrity                 [##############--------]  68%
(21/52) checking package integrity                 [###############-------]  69%
(22/52) checking package integrity                 [###############-------]  69%
(23/52) checking package integrity                 [###############-------]  72%
(24/52) checking package integrity                 [###############-------]  72%
(25/52) checking package integrity                 [################------]  73%
(26/52) checking package integrity                 [################------]  73%
(27/52) checking package integrity                 [################------]  74%
(28/52) checking package integrity                 [################------]  75%
(29/52) checking package integrity                 [################------]  75%
(30/52) checking package integrity                 [################------]  75%
(31/52) checking package integrity                 [################------]  75%
(32/52) checking package integrity                 [################------]  76%
(33/52) checking package integrity                 [################------]  76%
(34/52) checking package integrity                 [################------]  76%
(35/52) checking package integrity                 [################------]  76%
(36/52) checking package integrity                 [################------]  77%
(37/52) checking package integrity                 [################------]  77%
(38/52) checking package integrity                 [###################---]  89%
(39/52) checking package integrity                 [###################---]  89%
(40/52) checking package integrity                 [###################---]  90%
(41/52) checking package integrity                 [###################---]  90%
(42/52) checking package integrity                 [####################--]  91%
(43/52) checking package integrity                 [####################--]  95%
(44/52) checking package integrity                 [####################--]  95%
(45/52) checking package integrity                 [#####################-]  96%
(46/52) checking package integrity                 [#####################-]  96%
(47/52) checking package integrity                 [#####################-]  96%
(48/52) checking package integrity                 [#####################-]  96%
(49/52) checking package integrity                 [#####################-]  97%
(50/52) checking package integrity                 [#####################-]  97%
(51/52) checking package integrity                 [#####################-]  99%
(52/52) checking package integrity                 [######################] 100%

( 0/52) loading package files                      [----------------------]   0%
( 1/52) loading package files                      [----------------------]   0%
( 2/52) loading package files                      [###########-----------]  52%
( 3/52) loading package files                      [###########-----------]  52%
( 4/52) loading package files                      [###########-----------]  53%
( 5/52) loading package files                      [###########-----------]  53%
( 6/52) loading package files                      [###########-----------]  54%
( 7/52) loading package files                      [############----------]  56%
( 8/52) loading package files                      [#############---------]  61%
( 9/52) loading package files                      [#############---------]  61%
(10/52) loading package files                      [#############---------]  61%
(11/52) loading package files                      [#############---------]  62%
(12/52) loading package files                      [#############---------]  63%
(13/52) loading package files                      [##############--------]  64%
(14/52) loading package files                      [##############--------]  65%
(15/52) loading package files                      [##############--------]  65%
(16/52) loading package files                      [##############--------]  66%
(17/52) loading package files                      [##############--------]  68%
(18/52) loading package files                      [##############--------]  68%
(19/52) loading package files                      [##############--------]  68%
(20/52) loading package files                      [##############--------]  68%
(21/52) loading package files                      [###############-------]  69%
(22/52) loading package files                      [###############-------]  69%
(23/52) loading package files                      [###############-------]  72%
(24/52) loading package files                      [###############-------]  72%
(25/52) loading package files                      [################------]  73%
(26/52) loading package files                      [################------]  73%
(27/52) loading package files                      [################------]  74%
(28/52) loading package files                      [################------]  75%
(29/52) loading package files                      [################------]  75%
(30/52) loading package files                      [################------]  75%
(31/52) loading package files                      [################------]  75%
(32/52) loading package files                      [################------]  76%
(33/52) loading package files                      [################------]  76%
(34/52) loading package files                      [################------]  76%
(35/52) loading package files                      [################------]  76%
(36/52) loading package files                      [################------]  77%
(37/52) loading package files                      [################------]  77%
(38/52) loading package files                      [###################---]  89%
(39/52) loading package files                      [###################---]  89%
(40/52) loading package files                      [###################---]  90%
(41/52) loading package files                      [###################---]  90%
(42/52) loading package files                      [####################--]  91%
(43/52) loading package files                      [####################--]  95%
(44/52) loading package files                      [####################--]  95%
(45/52) loading package files                      [#####################-]  96%
(46/52) loading package files                      [#####################-]  96%
(47/52) loading package files                      [#####################-]  96%
(48/52) loading package files                      [#####################-]  96%
(49/52) loading package files                      [#####################-]  97%
(50/52) loading package files                      [#####################-]  97%
(51/52) loading package files                      [#####################-]  99%
(52/52) loading package files                      [######################] 100%

( 0/52) checking for file conflicts                [----------------------]   0%
( 1/52) checking for file conflicts                [----------------------]   1%
( 2/52) checking for file conflicts                [----------------------]   3%
( 3/52) checking for file conflicts                [#---------------------]   5%
( 4/52) checking for file conflicts                [#---------------------]   7%
( 5/52) checking for file conflicts                [#---------------------]   9%
( 6/52) checking for file conflicts                [##--------------------]  11%
( 7/52) checking for file conflicts                [##--------------------]  13%
( 8/52) checking for file conflicts                [###-------------------]  15%
( 9/52) checking for file conflicts                [###-------------------]  17%
(10/52) checking for file conflicts                [####------------------]  19%
(11/52) checking for file conflicts                [####------------------]  21%
(12/52) checking for file conflicts                [#####-----------------]  23%
(13/52) checking for file conflicts                [#####-----------------]  25%
(14/52) checking for file conflicts                [#####-----------------]  26%
(15/52) checking for file conflicts                [######----------------]  28%
(16/52) checking for file conflicts                [######----------------]  30%
(17/52) checking for file conflicts                [#######---------------]  32%
(18/52) checking for file conflicts                [#######---------------]  34%
(19/52) checking for file conflicts                [#######---------------]  36%
(20/52) checking for file conflicts                [########--------------]  38%
(21/52) checking for file conflicts                [########--------------]  40%
(22/52) checking for file conflicts                [#########-------------]  42%
(23/52) checking for file conflicts                [#########-------------]  44%
(24/52) checking for file conflicts                [##########------------]  46%
(25/52) checking for file conflicts                [##########------------]  48%
(26/52) checking for file conflicts                [###########-----------]  50%
(27/52) checking for file conflicts                [###########-----------]  51%
(28/52) checking for file conflicts                [###########-----------]  53%
(29/52) checking for file conflicts                [############----------]  55%
(30/52) checking for file conflicts                [############----------]  57%
(31/52) checking for file conflicts                [############----------]  59%
(32/52) checking for file conflicts                [#############---------]  61%
(33/52) checking for file conflicts                [#############---------]  63%
(34/52) checking for file conflicts                [##############--------]  65%
(35/52) checking for file conflicts                [##############--------]  67%
(36/52) checking for file conflicts                [###############-------]  69%
(37/52) checking for file conflicts                [###############-------]  71%
(38/52) checking for file conflicts                [################------]  73%
(39/52) checking for file conflicts                [################------]  75%
(40/52) checking for file conflicts                [################------]  76%
(41/52) checking for file conflicts                [#################-----]  78%
(42/52) checking for file conflicts                [#################-----]  80%
(43/52) checking for file conflicts                [##################----]  82%
(44/52) checking for file conflicts                [##################----]  84%
(45/52) checking for file conflicts                [##################----]  86%
(46/52) checking for file conflicts                [###################---]  88%
(47/52) checking for file conflicts                [###################---]  90%
(48/52) checking for file conflicts                [####################--]  92%
(49/52) checking for file conflicts                [####################--]  94%
(50/52) checking for file conflicts                [#####################-]  96%
(51/52) checking for file conflicts                [#####################-]  98%
(52/52) checking for file conflicts                [######################] 100%

( 0/52) checking available disk space              [----------------------]   0%
( 1/52) checking available disk space              [----------------------]   1%
( 2/52) checking available disk space              [----------------------]   3%
( 3/52) checking available disk space              [#---------------------]   5%
( 4/52) checking available disk space              [#---------------------]   7%
( 5/52) checking available disk space              [#---------------------]   9%
( 6/52) checking available disk space              [##--------------------]  11%
( 7/52) checking available disk space              [##--------------------]  13%
( 8/52) checking available disk space              [###-------------------]  15%
( 9/52) checking available disk space              [###-------------------]  17%
(10/52) checking available disk space              [####------------------]  19%
(11/52) checking available disk space              [####------------------]  21%
(12/52) checking available disk space              [#####-----------------]  23%
(13/52) checking available disk space              [#####-----------------]  25%
(14/52) checking available disk space              [#####-----------------]  26%
(15/52) checking available disk space              [######----------------]  28%
(16/52) checking available disk space              [######----------------]  30%
(17/52) checking available disk space              [#######---------------]  32%
(18/52) checking available disk space              [#######---------------]  34%
(19/52) checking available disk space              [#######---------------]  36%
(20/52) checking available disk space              [########--------------]  38%
(21/52) checking available disk space              [########--------------]  40%
(22/52) checking available disk space              [#########-------------]  42%
(23/52) checking available disk space              [#########-------------]  44%
(24/52) checking available disk space              [##########------------]  46%
(25/52) checking available disk space              [##########------------]  48%
(26/52) checking available disk space              [###########-----------]  50%
(27/52) checking available disk space              [###########-----------]  51%
(28/52) checking available disk space              [###########-----------]  53%
(29/52) checking available disk space              [############----------]  55%
(30/52) checking available disk space              [############----------]  57%
(31/52) checking available disk space              [############----------]  59%
(32/52) checking available disk space              [#############---------]  61%
(33/52) checking available disk space              [#############---------]  63%
(34/52) checking available disk space              [##############--------]  65%
(35/52) checking available disk space              [##############--------]  67%
(36/52) checking available disk space              [###############-------]  69%
(37/52) checking available disk space              [###############-------]  71%
(38/52) checking available disk space              [################------]  73%
(39/52) checking available disk space              [################------]  75%
(40/52) checking available disk space              [################------]  76%
(41/52) checking available disk space              [#################-----]  78%
(42/52) checking available disk space              [#################-----]  80%
(43/52) checking available disk space              [##################----]  82%
(44/52) checking available disk space              [##################----]  84%
(45/52) checking available disk space              [##################----]  86%
(46/52) checking available disk space              [###################---]  88%
(47/52) checking available disk space              [###################---]  90%
(48/52) checking available disk space              [####################--]  92%
(49/52) checking available disk space              [####################--]  94%
(50/52) checking available disk space              [#####################-]  96%
(51/52) checking available disk space              [#####################-]  98%
(52/52) checking available disk space              [######################] 100%

:: Processing package changes...
( 1/52) installing libnsl                          [----------------------]   0%
( 1/52) installing libnsl                          [######################] 100%

( 2/52) installing python                          [----------------------]   0%
( 2/52) installing python                          [----------------------]   0%
( 2/52) installing python                          [----------------------]   0%
( 2/52) installing python                          [##--------------------]  12%
( 2/52) installing python                          [###-------------------]  16%
( 2/52) installing python                          [####------------------]  21%
( 2/52) installing python                          [#####-----------------]  26%
( 2/52) installing python                          [########--------------]  39%
( 2/52) installing python                          [#########-------------]  43%
( 2/52) installing python                          [#########-------------]  45%
( 2/52) installing python                          [##############--------]  66%
( 2/52) installing python                          [###############-------]  70%
( 2/52) installing python                          [################------]  76%
( 2/52) installing python                          [##################----]  84%
( 2/52) installing python                          [###################---]  87%
( 2/52) installing python                          [####################--]  92%
( 2/52) installing python                          [#####################-]  96%
( 2/52) installing python                          [######################] 100%

Optional dependencies for python
    python-setuptools [pending]
    sqlite [installed]
    mpdecimal: for decimal
    xz: for lzma [installed]
    tk: for tkinter
( 3/52) installing libyaml                         [----------------------]   0%
( 3/52) installing libyaml                         [######################] 100%

( 4/52) installing python-yaml                     [----------------------]   0%
( 4/52) installing python-yaml                     [######################] 100%

( 5/52) installing python-pyaml                    [----------------------]   0%
( 5/52) installing python-pyaml                    [######################] 100%

Optional dependencies for python-pyaml
    python-unidecode: Needed if same-id objects or recursion is used within
    serialized data
( 6/52) installing python-dnspython                [----------------------]   0%
( 6/52) installing python-dnspython                [#####################-]  98%
( 6/52) installing python-dnspython                [######################] 100%

Optional dependencies for python-dnspython
    python-cryptography: DNSSEC support
    python-requests-toolbelt: DoH support
    python-idna: support for updated IDNA 2008 [pending]
    python-curio: async support
    python-trio: async support
    python-sniffio: async support
( 7/52) installing libxslt                         [----------------------]   0%
( 7/52) installing libxslt                         [######################] 100%

Optional dependencies for libxslt
    python: Python bindings [installed]
( 8/52) installing python-lxml                     [----------------------]   0%
( 8/52) installing python-lxml                     [##############--------]  67%
( 8/52) installing python-lxml                     [######################] 100%

Optional dependencies for python-lxml
    python-beautifulsoup4: support for beautifulsoup parser to parse not well
    formed HTML
    python-cssselect: support for cssselect
    python-html5lib: support for html5lib parser [pending]
    python-lxml-docs: offline docs
( 9/52) installing python-six                      [----------------------]   0%
( 9/52) installing python-six                      [######################] 100%

(10/52) installing python-webencodings             [----------------------]   0%
(10/52) installing python-webencodings             [######################] 100%

(11/52) installing python-html5lib                 [----------------------]   0%
(11/52) installing python-html5lib                 [######################] 100%

Optional dependencies for python-html5lib
    python-lxml: lxml treebuilder [installed]
    python-genshi: genshi treewalker
(12/52) installing python-mechanize                [----------------------]   0%
(12/52) installing python-mechanize                [######################] 100%

Optional dependencies for python-mechanize
    python-html5-parser: faster parsing of HTML
(13/52) installing python-urllib3                  [----------------------]   0%
(13/52) installing python-urllib3                  [######################] 100%

Optional dependencies for python-urllib3
    python-pysocks: SOCKS support
    python-brotli: Brotli support
    python-pyopenssl: security support
    python-idna: security support [pending]
(14/52) installing python-chardet                  [----------------------]   0%
(14/52) installing python-chardet                  [######################] 100%

(15/52) installing python-idna                     [----------------------]   0%
(15/52) installing python-idna                     [######################] 100%

(16/52) installing python-requests                 [----------------------]   0%
(16/52) installing python-requests                 [######################] 100%

Optional dependencies for python-requests
    python-pysocks: SOCKS proxy support
(17/52) installing python-werkzeug                 [----------------------]   0%
(17/52) installing python-werkzeug                 [######################] 100%

(18/52) installing python-appdirs                  [----------------------]   0%
(18/52) installing python-appdirs                  [######################] 100%

(19/52) installing python-more-itertools           [----------------------]   0%
(19/52) installing python-more-itertools           [######################] 100%

(20/52) installing python-ordered-set              [----------------------]   0%
(20/52) installing python-ordered-set              [######################] 100%

(21/52) installing python-pyparsing                [----------------------]   0%
(21/52) installing python-pyparsing                [######################] 100%

(22/52) installing python-packaging                [----------------------]   0%
(22/52) installing python-packaging                [######################] 100%

(23/52) installing python-setuptools               [----------------------]   0%
(23/52) installing python-setuptools               [###############-------]  70%
(23/52) installing python-setuptools               [######################] 100%

(24/52) installing python-markupsafe               [----------------------]   0%
(24/52) installing python-markupsafe               [######################] 100%

(25/52) installing python-jinja                    [----------------------]   0%
(25/52) installing python-jinja                    [##############--------]  66%
(25/52) installing python-jinja                    [######################] 100%

Optional dependencies for python-jinja
    python-babel: for i18n support
(26/52) installing python-itsdangerous             [----------------------]   0%
(26/52) installing python-itsdangerous             [######################] 100%

(27/52) installing python-click                    [----------------------]   0%
(27/52) installing python-click                    [######################] 100%

(28/52) installing python-flask                    [----------------------]   0%
(28/52) installing python-flask                    [######################] 100%

(29/52) installing python-aniso8601                [----------------------]   0%
(29/52) installing python-aniso8601                [######################] 100%

(30/52) installing python-pytz                     [----------------------]   0%
(30/52) installing python-pytz                     [######################] 100%

(31/52) installing python-flask-restful            [----------------------]   0%
(31/52) installing python-flask-restful            [######################] 100%

(32/52) installing python-attrs                    [----------------------]   0%
(32/52) installing python-attrs                    [######################] 100%

(33/52) installing python-zipp                     [----------------------]   0%
(33/52) installing python-zipp                     [######################] 100%

(34/52) installing python-importlib-metadata       [----------------------]   0%
(34/52) installing python-importlib-metadata       [######################] 100%

(35/52) installing python-pyrsistent               [----------------------]   0%
(35/52) installing python-pyrsistent               [######################] 100%

(36/52) installing python-jsonschema               [----------------------]   0%
(36/52) installing python-jsonschema               [######################] 100%

(37/52) installing python-mistune1                 [----------------------]   0%
(37/52) installing python-mistune1                 [######################] 100%

(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [----------------------]   0%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [########--------------]  37%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [###################---]  88%
(38/52) installing python-flasgger                 [######################] 100%

(39/52) installing python-dicttoxml                [----------------------]   0%
(39/52) installing python-dicttoxml                [######################] 100%

(40/52) installing python-xlsxwriter               [----------------------]   0%
(40/52) installing python-xlsxwriter               [######################] 100%

(41/52) installing python-unicodecsv               [----------------------]   0%
(41/52) installing python-unicodecsv               [######################] 100%

(42/52) installing jemalloc                        [----------------------]   0%
(42/52) installing jemalloc                        [######################] 100%

Optional dependencies for jemalloc
    perl: for jeprof [installed]
(43/52) installing redis                           [----------------------]   0%
(43/52) installing redis                           [######################] 100%

(44/52) installing python-pbr                      [----------------------]   0%
(44/52) installing python-pbr                      [######################] 100%

(45/52) installing python-mock                     [----------------------]   0%
(45/52) installing python-mock                     [######################] 100%

(46/52) installing python-iniconfig                [----------------------]   0%
(46/52) installing python-iniconfig                [######################] 100%

(47/52) installing python-pluggy                   [----------------------]   0%
(47/52) installing python-pluggy                   [######################] 100%

(48/52) installing python-apipkg                   [----------------------]   0%
(48/52) installing python-apipkg                   [######################] 100%

(49/52) installing python-py                       [----------------------]   0%
(49/52) installing python-py                       [######################] 100%

(50/52) installing python-toml                     [----------------------]   0%
(50/52) installing python-toml                     [######################] 100%

(51/52) installing python-pytest                   [----------------------]   0%
(51/52) installing python-pytest                   [######################] 100%

(52/52) installing python-rq                       [----------------------]   0%
(52/52) installing python-rq                       [######################] 100%

[?25h==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
[?25lresolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (4) perl-error-0.17029-3  perl-mailtools-2.21-5  perl-timedate-2.33-3

Total Installed Size:  31.18 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
(0/4) checking keys in keyring                     [----------------------]   0%
(1/4) checking keys in keyring                     [#####-----------------]  25%
(2/4) checking keys in keyring                     [###########-----------]  50%
(3/4) checking keys in keyring                     [################------]  75%
(4/4) checking keys in keyring                     [######################] 100%

(0/4) checking package integrity                   [----------------------]   0%
(1/4) checking package integrity                   [----------------------]   0%
(2/4) checking package integrity                   [----------------------]   1%
(3/4) checking package integrity                   [----------------------]   2%
(4/4) checking package integrity                   [######################] 100%

(0/4) loading package files                        [----------------------]   0%
(1/4) loading package files                        [----------------------]   0%
(2/4) loading package files                        [----------------------]   1%
(3/4) loading package files                        [----------------------]   2%
(4/4) loading package files                        [######################] 100%

(0/4) checking for file conflicts                  [----------------------]   0%
(1/4) checking for file conflicts                  [#####-----------------]  25%
(2/4) checking for file conflicts                  [###########-----------]  50%
(3/4) checking for file conflicts                  [################------]  75%
(4/4) checking for file conflicts                  [######################] 100%

(0/4) checking available disk space                [----------------------]   0%
(1/4) checking available disk space                [#####-----------------]  25%
(2/4) checking available disk space                [###########-----------]  50%
(3/4) checking available disk space                [################------]  75%
(4/4) checking available disk space                [######################] 100%

:: Processing package changes...
(1/4) installing perl-error                        [----------------------]   0%
(1/4) installing perl-error                        [######################] 100%

(2/4) installing perl-timedate                     [----------------------]   0%
(2/4) installing perl-timedate                     [######################] 100%

(3/4) installing perl-mailtools                    [----------------------]   0%
(3/4) installing perl-mailtools                    [######################] 100%

(4/4) installing git                               [----------------------]   0%
(4/4) installing git                               [----------------------]   0%
(4/4) installing git                               [----------------------]   0%
(4/4) installing git                               [----------------------]   0%
(4/4) installing git                               [----------------------]   0%
(4/4) installing git                               [----------------------]   0%
(4/4) installing git                               [----------------------]   0%
(4/4) installing git                               [----------------------]   0%
(4/4) installing git                               [#####-----------------]  23%
(4/4) installing git                               [#######---------------]  36%
(4/4) installing git                               [##########------------]  47%
(4/4) installing git                               [############----------]  56%
(4/4) installing git                               [###############-------]  71%
(4/4) installing git                               [##################----]  86%
(4/4) installing git                               [######################] 100%

Optional dependencies for git
    tk: gitk and git gui
    perl-libwww: git svn
    perl-term-readkey: git svn and interactive.singlekey setting
    perl-io-socket-ssl: git send-email TLS support
    perl-authen-sasl: git send-email TLS support
    perl-mediawiki-api: git mediawiki support
    perl-datetime-format-iso8601: git mediawiki support
    perl-lwp-protocol-https: git mediawiki https support
    perl-cgi: gitweb (web interface) support
    python: git svn & git p4 [installed]
    subversion: git svn
    org.freedesktop.secrets: keyring credential helper
    libsecret: libsecret credential helper [installed]
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Warn about old perl modules
[?25h==> Retrieving sources...
==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks.
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Creating working copy of recon-ng-git git repo...
Cloning into 'recon-ng-git'...
==> Starting pkgver()...
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
==> Tidying install...
  -> Removing libtool files...
  -> Purging unwanted files...
  -> Removing static library files...
  -> Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries...
  -> Compressing man and info pages...
==> Checking for packaging issues...
==> Creating package "recon-ng-git"...
  -> Generating .PKGINFO file...
  -> Generating .BUILDINFO file...
  -> Generating .MTREE file...
  -> Compressing package...
==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
==> Finished making: recon-ng-git 20210824.r1021-1 (Sat 19 Feb 2022 12:04:42 PM EST)
==> Running checkpkg
  -> Downloading current versions
Packages (1) recon-ng-git-20200623.r1017-2

Total Download Size:  0.06 MiB

:: Proceed with download? [Y/n] 
:: Retrieving packages...
 recon-ng-git-202...  1448.0   B  0.00   B/s --:-- [----------------------]   2%
 recon-ng-git-202...    64.4 KiB   268 KiB/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
(0/1) checking keys in keyring                     [----------------------]   0%
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                     [######################] 100%

(0/1) checking package integrity                   [----------------------]   0%
(1/1) checking package integrity                   [######################] 100%

[?25h  -> Checking packages
==> ERROR: tarball not found for package: recon-ng-git-20210824.r1021-1