==> Creating clean working copy [build]...done
==> Making package: fakeap 0.3.2-2 (Mon May 16 16:30:53 EDT 2016)
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found fakeap-0.3.2.tar.gz
==> Validating source files with sha512sums...
    fakeap-0.3.2.tar.gz ... Passed
==> Making package: fakeap 0.3.2-2 (Mon May 16 16:30:54 EDT 2016)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found fakeap-0.3.2.tar.gz
==> WARNING: Skipping verification of source file PGP signatures.
==> Validating source files with sha512sums...
    fakeap-0.3.2.tar.gz ... Passed
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Extracting fakeap-0.3.2.tar.gz with bsdtar
==> Starting prepare()...
# fakeap - Create fake 802.11b Access Points 
# Stuart Stock and Ken Beames, Black Alchemy Weapons Lab
# $Id: fakeap.pl,v 1.3 2002/08/31 20:56:42 shstock Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2002 Black Alchemy Enterprises.  All rights reserved.
# This code is released under the GNU Public License.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Notes:
# Requires the CVS version (as of 7/31/2002) of the Prism2/2.5/3 Host AP
# driver to switch BSSID (MAC address).  If you use an older version,
# the MAC address change will appear to work, but the beacons will retain
# the original address.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Time::HiRes;

use vars
  qw( $sleep_opt $channel_opt $mac_opt $essid_opt $words_opt
  $interface_opt $vendors_opt $wep_opt $key_opt $power_opt );

my $MAX_CHANNEL = 11;                 # Noth America.  Change for other regions.
my $IWCONFIG    = "/sbin/iwconfig";                      # Change as needed
my $IFCONFIG    = "/sbin/ifconfig";                      # Change as needed
my $CRYPTCONF   = "/usr/local/bin/hostap_crypt_conf";    # Change as needed

my @words = ( "Access Point", "tsunami", "host", "airport", "linksys" );
my @vendors = ( "00:00:0C:", "00:00:CE:", "00:00:EF:" );

# catch ctrl-c
$SIG{INT} = \&int_catcher;

# int_catcher
# args: none
# rets: none
# Signal catcher.  Prints message and exits.

sub int_catcher {
    print "\n";
    print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
    print "Run complete\n\n";



# usage
# args: none
# rets: none
# Prints arguments and exits

sub usage {
    print "Usage: fakeap.pl --interface wlanX [--channel X] [--mac XX:XX...]\n";
    print "     [--essid NAME] [--words FILENAME] [--sleep N] [--vendors FILENAME]\n";
    print "     [--wep N] [--key KEY] [--power N]\n\n";

    print "     --channel X     Use static channel X\n";
    print "     --essid NAME    Use static ESSID NAME\n";
    print "     --mac XX:XX...  Use static MAC address XX:...\n";
    print "     --words FILE    Use FILE to create ESSIDs \n";
    print "     --sleep N       Sleep N Ssec between changes, default 0.25\n";
    print "     --vendor FILE   Use FILE to define vendor MAC prefixes \n";
    print "     --wep N         Use WEP with probability N where 0 < N <= 1\n";
    print "     --key KEY       Use KEY as the WEP key.  Passed raw to iwconfig\n";
    print "     --power N       Vary Tx power between 1 and N.  In milliwatts\n";
    print "\n";

# load_words
# args: none
# rets: none
# Load the user specified word list into @words

sub load_words {
    @words = ();

    open( my $FH, "<$words_opt" ) or die "Could not open $words_opt: $!\n";
    while ( my $line = <$FH> ) {
        chomp $line;
        push @words, $line;
    close $FH;


# load_vendors
# args: none
# rets: none
# Loads vendor mac prefix file into @vendors

sub load_vendors {
    @vendors = ();

    open( my $FH, "<$vendors_opt" ) or die "Could not open $vendors_opt: $!\n";
    while ( my $line = <$FH> ) {
        chomp $line;
        $line =~ /^(\w\w:\w\w:\w\w)/;
        push @vendors, "$1:";
    close $FH;


# gen_essid
# args: none
# rets: scalar string $word
# Returns a string suitable for use as an ESSID.  Picks it randomly from
# @words

sub gen_essid {
    return $words[ int( rand $#words ) ];

# gen_channel
# args: none
# rets: scalar int $channel
# Returns a number between 1 and $MAX_CHANNEL

sub gen_channel {
    return int( rand $MAX_CHANNEL ) + 1;

# gen_power
# args: none
# rets: scalar int $channel
# Returns a number between 1 and $power_opt or Def if $power_opt is not set

sub gen_power {
    return int( rand $power_opt ) + 1 if $power_opt;
    return "Def";

# gen_mac
# args: none
# rets: none
# Returns a random MAC address with first three octets from @vendors
# last three random.

sub gen_mac {

    return sprintf(
        $vendors[ int( rand $#vendors ) ],
        int( rand 256 ),
        int( rand 256 ),
        int( rand 256 )


# pick_wep
# args: none
# rets: string Y|N
# Returns N if wep_opt is not set otherwise returns
# Y with probability $wep_opt

sub pick_wep {
    $wep_opt = 0 if not $wep_opt;

    return "Y" if ( rand(1) < $wep_opt );
    return "N";


# Main
print "fakeap 0.3.1 - Wardrivring countermeasures\n";
print "Copyright (c) 2002 Black Alchemy Enterprises. All rights reserved\n\n";

    "channel=i"   => \$channel_opt,
    "essid=s"     => \$essid_opt,
    "words=s"     => \$words_opt,
    "mac=s"       => \$mac_opt,
    "sleep=s"     => \$sleep_opt,
    "power=i"     => \$power_opt,
    "wep=s"       => \$wep_opt,
    "key=s"       => \$key_opt,
    "interface=s" => \$interface_opt,
    "vendors=s"   => \$vendors_opt

usage() and exit if not $interface_opt;
usage() and exit if ( $words_opt and $essid_opt );    # mutually exclusive

print "Using interface $interface_opt:\n";
print "Sleeping $sleep_opt sec\n"             if $sleep_opt;
print "Static channel $channel_opt\n"         if $channel_opt;
print "Static ESSID $essid_opt\n"             if $essid_opt;
print "Static MAC $mac_opt\n"                 if $mac_opt;
print "Generating ESSIDs from $words_opt\n"   if $words_opt;
print "Using WEP with probability $wep_opt\n" if $wep_opt;
print "Using supplied WEP key $key_opt\n"     if $key_opt;
print "Vary Tx power up to $power_opt\n"      if $power_opt;

load_words() if $words_opt;
print "Using $#words words for ESSID generation\n";

load_vendors() if $vendors_opt;
print "Using $#vendors vendors for MAC generation\n";


for ( my $i = 0 ; ; $i++ ) {
    my $essid   = $essid_opt   || gen_essid();
    my $channel = $channel_opt || gen_channel();
    my $mac     = $mac_opt     || gen_mac();
    my $sleep   = $sleep_opt   || 0.25;
    my $wep     = pick_wep();
    my $power   = gen_power();

    if ($wep_opt) {
        system( $CRYPTCONF, "-p", $interface_opt, "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", "none" )
          if $wep eq "N";
        system( $IWCONFIG, $interface_opt, "key",
            $key_opt ? $key_opt : "s:fakeap", "open" )
          if $wep eq "Y";

    system( $IFCONFIG, $interface_opt, "down" );
    system( $IWCONFIG, $interface_opt, "ESSID",   $essid );
    	printf( $IWCONFIG, $interface_opt, "ESSID",   $essid );
    system( $IWCONFIG, $interface_opt, "channel", $channel );
    	printf( $IWCONFIG, $interface_opt, "channel", $channel );
    system( $IFCONFIG, $interface_opt, "hw",      "ether", $mac );
    	printf( $IFCONFIG, $interface_opt, "hw",      "ether", $mac );
    system( $IWCONFIG, $interface_opt, "txpower", $power . "mW" ) if $power_opt;
    	printf( $IWCONFIG, $interface_opt, "txpower", $power . "mW" ) if $power_opt;
    system( $IFCONFIG, $interface_opt, "up" );

    printf( "%i: ESSID=%-15s chan=%02i Pwr=%-3s WEP=%s MAC=%s    \r",
        $i, $essid, $channel, $power, $wep, $mac );

==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
==> Tidying install...
  -> Removing libtool files...
  -> Purging unwanted files...
  -> Removing static library files...
  -> Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries...
  -> Compressing man and info pages...
==> Checking for packaging issue...
==> Creating package "fakeap"...
  -> Generating .PKGINFO file...
  -> Generating .BUILDINFO file...
error: invalid option '--noprogressbar'
  -> Generating .MTREE file...
  -> Compressing package...
==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
==> Finished making: fakeap 0.3.2-2 (Mon May 16 16:30:58 EDT 2016)
==> Cleaning up...